Prices and Buy MY-3 Now
The MY-3 ( Many in One Zapper ) is a crystal controlled, microprocessor based, multi-frequency zapper designed with improved results in consideration. This Rife Zapper includes over 270 precise Rife/Crane and Clark frequencies, in seventeen Rife frequency modes in addition to The Clark Max frequencies and the ParaZapper MX frequency set, as well as 7 special individual frequencies, in one package at an affordable cost and has an output voltage that is only 0.2 volts less than the battery and it also has Pedestal offset which is better than just positive offset. The output is strong and this unit is intended for those uses that need a stronger output as well as more numerous and more accurate frequencies. While guranteed to be within +/- 0.05 percent Hz for all frequencies under 3000 Hz and +/- 0.1 percent for higher frequencies, this parasite zapper is usually +/- 0.1 Hz for most frequencies below 1000 Hz, 0.25 Hz for most frequencies below 3000 Hz, due to the precision of the crystal oscillator that controls the accuracy. The MY-3 includes new innovations, such as pedestal offset, that offer significant enhancements over other hulda clark zappers. It has a timer with a beeper to let you know when your cycle is done. It even includes a favorite mode option that allows you to set it to start up in any of the modes provided. While the frequencies contained in this Rife zapper are very specific to certain organisms, it should also be effective as a general purpose parasite zapper according to Dr. Clark's statements. For that reason, we have selected 14 Clark and Rife Frequencies in the 1 kHz to 2.5 kHz Clark range, 8 MX frequencies, and over 250 of the most important Rife frequencies for a total of over 270 frequencies to provide the greatest flexibility and the best available coverage in an economical, easy to use unit. Additionally, each of several modes has an alternate mode associated that allows the user to start the operation at either of two initial frequencies. The user can easily select to use half of one mode and then switch to using half of another mode. The MY-3 also has user selectable timing that applies to all frequencies. The frequencies for each mode are as follows in the tables below.
While not sold as a medical zapper, the frequencies may be similar to energy medicine. Better than Super Deluxe Zapper as it does not require extra modules.
An Important note abut using multi-frequency zappers:
See warnings and notices at the bottom of the page.
Confusion over how many hours or minutes to zap?
There are some who are questioning about the need to zap for many long hours. This is understandable but it is rarely needed to be zapping for long periods of time.
My experience is that I often go for weeks or months without zapping and when I do need to zap, it is usually for only 1 or 2 hours and often only once or once a day for a few days.
For example, If I feel something coming on, when I get chills, start sneezing, get that itch in the eye, or a sore throat, I will usually stop and use the zapper "off-label" for an hour or so and that often does the job. See
However, there has been a few times when I had serious infections that are approaching or turning into sepsis. That is when I will usually zap for several hours a day, often at night. Sometimes, if it is bad, I will just turn the zapper on and go to sleep. Care must be used when doing this, due to a chance of skin burns from the cloth or paper towels getting dry.
On the other hand, If I was facing a more serious issue such as threatened immunity from serious viral disorders, I would likely just turn the zapper on and use around the clock, only turning off long enough to change the battery and replace the paper towels.
Also, you do not have to do all the modes, you should only use the modes or frequencies that are needed.
If you do not know what you need to use, then try one of the general purpose modes.
Some who have serious concerns may want to use the zapper more extensively.
Hulda Clark's original 7 minutes on, 20 minutes off vs ParaZapper
In her early books, Dr. Clark stated that all you needed was to zap for 7 minutes, rest for 20, and repeat 3 times.
Later, it was found that zapping for 10 minutes could produce slightly better results. It was also found that adding a separate second frequency could also improve results. Soon, there was advanced zappers with 8, 10, or even more frequencies being produced.
These additional frequencies required additional zapping time. Using 8 different frequencies required almost a full hour but in some cases, it was found to be worth it as in severe cases, it could produce better results.
Then some wondered about all the zapping times and additional frequencies, thinking that the user always had to use these advance zappers for long periods of time.
The answer to this is that it is not true. With the advanced multi-frequency zappers, you can still do the 7 minutes on and 20, 25, or 30 minutes off, repeat 3, 4, or 5 times. Whatever you wish.
The advantage to these multi-frequency zappers is that should you need to, you can always use it for the longer periods, or for the traditional times. It is your choice.
With the old single frequency zappers, you have no choice. If that frequency does not work well enough, you are just out of luck. That is just one reason that early users were not so happy with the zapper.
Prices and Buy MY-3 Now
The board shown above is the MY-3 and the offset > 0.5 volts with a 9.0 volts offset.
NOTE: The lower line marks 0.0 volts ( zero volts ).
New modes beyond the MY+Plus are:
Special Mode 9 B ( Hepatitis B virus )
Special Mode 10 B ( Helminths )
Special Mode 11 A ( Borrelia / Ricketsia )
Special Mode 12 A ( Mode 12 Hepatitis C virus )
Special Mode 12 B ( Mode 12-b Hepatitis C sets 2 & 3 )
Special Mode 13 A ( Varicella Zoster )
Special Mode 13 B ( HPV-5/6 )
Special Mode 14 A ( Epstein Barr virus )
Special Mode 14 B ( Cytomegalo virus )
Special Mode 15 A ( Bartonella microbes )
Special Mode 15 B ( Babesia microbes )
Special Mode 16 A ( Blastocystis microbes )
Special Mode 16 B ( ALS and MS related microbes )
Special Mode 16 C ( Helicobacter microbes )
Special Mode 17 A ( Mycoplasma microbes )
Special Mode 17 B ( Herpes-C virus )
Special Mode 18 A ( Candida yeast microbes )
Special Mode 18 B ( suspected cancer virus )
Also Modes 19 (10 kHz),20 (6 kHz),
21 (5 kHz),22 (15.66 Hz),23(4.0 Hz),
24(3.915 Hz), and 25(1.0 Hz)
What if I am trying to destroy something not listed, for example the Polio Virus?
There is a list of frequencies that can be found on the Internet and it is referred to as the "Rife CAFL".
Looking up Polio Virus and then comparing, you will find several frequencies listed are in Mode 7.
We did not include frequencies for everything.
MY-3 Mode Table
Prices and Buy MY-3 Now
See the disclaimers posted below.
Important! While the MY-3 can use the 7.5 minutes on, 20 minutes off routine that was originally suggested by Dr. Clark in any mode, it is not suggested as it has been found that the MY-3 works better when used in the continuous mode. Follow the timing suggested in the mode that you select to use.
MODE | Frequencies | Duration | |||||
Mode 1 general purpose |
Mode 1 A starts here. Freq 1 72 +/- 0.1 Hz Freq 2 728 +/- 0.25 Hz Freq 3 95 +/- 0.1 Hz Freq 4 428 +/- 0.25 Hz Freq 5 776 +/- 0.25 Hz Freq 6 120 +/- 0.025 Hz Mode 1 B starts here. Freq 7 786 +/- 0.5 Hz Freq 8 432 +/- 0.25 Hz Freq 9 800 +/- .1 Hz Freq 10 465 +/- .1 Hz Freq 11 802 +/- .1 Hz Freq 12 128 +/- 0.5 Hz Mode 1 A and Mode 1 B produce all of the same frequencies except for the order in which they are generated. Mode 1 A cycles to Mode 1 B and Mode 1 B cycles to Mode 1 A. Either Mode will cycle through all 12 frequencies. The unit will provide a quick beep when cycling to the next mode. After cycle completion, the unit will stop and beep several beeps, then the unit will wait 5 seconds and repeat the same sequence of frequencies. Mode 1 A will blink the Mode/Battery LED 1 Flash every 2 seconds Mode 1 B will blink the Mode/Battery LED 2 Flashes every 2 seconds This mode will Show
Note that due to the accuracy of the microprocessor generated signal, most units are within 0.5 Hz of the specified frequency in this range. Timing: The total minimum cycle time is 90 minutes at a cycle time of 7.5 minutes. A session of 90 minutes (1-1/2 hours)is recommended with a cycle time of 7.5 minutes. A session of 120 minutes (2 hours)is recommended with a cycle time of 10 minutes. This mode contains 12 of the most frequently used Rife/Crane frequencies at 7.5 minutes each. The cycle time may be user selected for 1, 3.5, 7, or 10 minutes for all frequencies. It is recommended to use this unit at 7.5 minutes per frequency and go through all frequencies in one mode daily. Use the same mode for at least 1 week to 10 days. |
7.5 min * 7.5 min * 7.5 min * 7.5 min * 7.5 min * 7.5 min * 7.5 min * 7.5 min * 7.5 min * 7.5 min * 7.5 min * 7.5 min * * The duration is selectable for 1 min, 3-1/2 min, 7.5 minutes, or 10 minutes for all frequencies |
Mode 2 General purpose |
Mode 2 A starts here. Freq 1 500 +/- 0.1 Hz Freq 2 880 +/- 0.5 Hz Freq 3 600 +/- 0.25 Hz Freq 4 1552 +/- 0.5 Hz Freq 5 650 +/- 0.5 Hz Freq 6 440 +/- 0.1 Hz Mode 2 B starts here. Freq 7 1865 +/- 1.0 Hz Freq 8 660 +/- 0.25 Hz Freq 9 2008 +/- 0.5 Hz Freq 10 676 +/- 0.5 Hz Freq 11 2127 +/- 0.20 Hz Freq 12 2720 +/- 0.80 Hz Mode 2 A and Mode 2 B produce all of the same frequencies except for the order in which they are generated. Mode 2 A cycles to Mode 2 B and Mode 2 B cycles to Mode 2 A. Either Mode will cycle through all 12 frequencies. The unit will provide a quick beep when cycling to the next mode. After cycle completion, the unit will stop and beep several beeps, then the unit will wait 5 seconds and repeat the same sequence of frequencies. Mode 2 A will blink the Mode/Battery LED 1 Flash every 2 seconds Mode 2 B will blink the Mode/Battery LED 2 Flashes every 2 seconds This mode will Show
Note that due to the accuracy of the microprocessor generated signal, most units are within 1 Hz of the specified frequency. Timing: The total minimum cycle time is 90 minutes at a cycle time of 7.5 minutes. A session of 90 minutes (1-1/2 hours)is recommended with a cycle time of 7.5 minutes. A session of 120 minutes (2 hours)is recommended with a cycle time of 10 minutes. This mode contains 12 of the most frequently used Rife/Crane frequencies at 7.5 minutes each. The cycle time may be user selected for 1, 3.5, 7, or 10 minutes for all frequencies. Intended to augment the 12 Rife/Crane frequencies in Mode 1. It is recommended to use this unit at 7.5 minutes per frequency and go through all frequencies in one mode daily. Use the same mode for at least 1 week to 10 days. |
7.5 min * 7.5 min * 7.5 min * 7.5 min * 7.5 min * 7.5 min * 7.5 min * 7.5 min * 7.5 min * 7.5 min * 7.5 min * 7.5 min * * The duration is selectable for 1 min, 3-1/2 min, 7.5 minutes, or 10 minutes for all frequencies |
Mode 3 |
Antibacterial and Antifungal Mode 3 A starts here. Freq 1 20 +/- 0.1 Hz Freq 2 465 +/- 0.1 Hz Freq 3 880 +/- 0.5 Hz Freq 4 1550 +/- 1.0 Hz Freq 5 784 +/- 0.25 Hz Freq 6 727 +/- 0.25 Hz Antibacterial Mode 3 B starts here. Freq 7 787 +/- 0.25 Hz Freq 8 832 +/- 0.5 Hz Freq 9 800 +/- 0.5 Hz Freq 10 866 +/- 0.5 Hz Freq 11 664 +/- 0.25 Hz Freq 12 690 +/- 0.5 Hz Mode 3 A and Mode 3 B produce all of the same frequencies except for the order in which they are generated. Mode 3 A cycles to Mode 3 B and Mode 3 B cycles to Mode 3 A. Either Mode will cycle through all 12 frequencies. The unit will provide a quick beep when cycling to the next mode. After cycle completion, the unit will stop and beep several beeps, then the unit will wait 5 seconds and repeat the same sequence of frequencies. Mode 3 A will blink the Mode/Battery LED 1 Flash every 2 seconds Mode 3 B will blink the Mode/Battery LED 2 Flashes every 2 seconds This mode will Show
Note that due to the accuracy of the microprocessor generated signal, most units are within 2.0 Hz of the specified frequency. Timing: The total minimum cycle time is 90 minutes at a cycle time of 7.5 minutes. A session of 90 minutes (1-1/2 hours)is recommended with a cycle time of 7.5 minutes. A session of 120 minutes (2 hours)is recommended with a cycle time of 10 minutes. The cycle time may be user selected for 1, 3.5, 7, or 10 minutes for all frequencies. This mode contains the set of frequencies most commonly called for in the frequency list to kill bacteria. It is recommended to use this unit at 7.5 minutes per frequency and go through all frequencies in one mode daily. Use the same mode for at least 1 week to 10 days. |
7.5 min * 7.5 min * 7.5 min * 7.5 min * 7.5 min * 7.5 min * 7.5 min * 7.5 min * 7.5 min * 7.5 min * 7.5 min * 7.5 min * * The duration is selectable for 1 min, 3-1/2 min, 7.5 minutes, or 10 minutes for all frequencies |
Mode 4 |
Antifungal Mode 4 A starts here. Freq 1 72 +/- 0.1 Hz Freq 2 254 +/- 0.1 Hz Freq 3 422 +/- 0.11 Hz Freq 4 582 +/- 0.25 Hz Freq 5 1016 +/- 0.5 Hz Freq 6 1134 +/- 0.5 Hz Antifungal Mode 4 B starts here. Freq 7 374 +/- 0.25 Hz Freq 8 697 +/- 0.5 Hz Freq 9 743 +/- 0.5 Hz Freq 10 339 +/- 0.25 Hz Freq 11 802 +/- 0.25 Hz Combine with Mode 3A for a more complete set as these 6 frequencies affect both bacteria and fungi. Mode 4 A and Mode 4 B produce all of the same frequencies except for the order in which they are generated. Mode 4 A cycles to Mode 4 B and Mode 4 B cycles to Mode 4 A. Either Mode will cycle through all 17 frequencies. The unit will provide a quick beep when cycling to the next mode. After cycle completion, the unit will stop and beep several beeps, then the unit will wait 5 seconds and repeat the same sequence of frequencies. Mode 4 A will blink the Mode/Battery LED 1 Flash every 2 seconds Mode 4 B will blink the Mode/Battery LED 2 Flashes every 2 seconds This mode will Show
Note that due to the accuracy of the microprocessor generated signal, most units are within 1 Hz of the specified frequency. Timing: The total minimum cycle time is 84 minutes using a 7 minute cycle. A session of 84 minutes is recommended with a cycle time of 7.5 minutes. A session of 110 minutes is recommended with a cycle time of 10 minutes. The cycle time may be user selected for 1, 3.5, 7, or 10 minutes for all frequencies. This mode contains the set of frequencies most commonly called for in the frequency list to kill yeast, mold, fungi. It is recommended to use this unit at 7.5 minutes per frequency and go through all frequencies in one mode daily. Use the same mode for at least 1 week to 10 days. |
7.5 min * 7.5 min * 7.5 min * 7.5 min * 7.5 min * 7.5 min * 7.5 min * 7.5 min * 7.5 min * 7.5 min * 7.5 min * * The duration is selectable for 1 min, 3-1/2 min, 7.5 minutes, or 10 minutes for all frequencies |
Mode 5 |
Anti Viral Mode 5 A starts here. Freq 1 2489 +/- 2 Hz Freq 2 727 +/- 0.25 Hz Freq 3 329 +/- 0.1 Hz Freq 4 802 +/- 0.25 Hz Freq 5 1550 +/- 1.0 Hz Freq 6 766 +/- 10.5 Hz Anti Viral Mode 5 B starts here. Freq 7 444 +/- 0.25 Hz Freq 8 787 +/- 0.5 Hz Freq 9 2128 +/- 0.25 Hz Freq 10 800 +/- 0.25 Hz Freq 11 465 +/- 0.25 Hz Freq 12 1234 +/- 0.5 Hz Mode 5 A and Mode 5 B produce all of the same frequencies except for the order in which they are generated. Mode 5 A cycles to Mode 5 B and Mode 5 B cycles to Mode 5 A. Either Mode will cycle through all 10 frequencies. The unit will provide a quick beep when cycling to the next mode. After cycle completion, the unit will stop and beep several beeps, then the unit will wait 5 seconds and repeat the same sequence of frequencies. Mode 5 A will blink the Mode/Battery LED 1 Flash every 2 seconds Mode 5 B will blink the Mode/Battery LED 2 Flashes every 2 seconds This mode will Show
Note that due to the accuracy of the microprocessor generated signal, most units are within 1 Hz of the specified frequency. Timing: The total minimum cycle time is 90 minutes at a cycle time of 7.5 minutes. A session of 90 minutes (1-1/2 hours)is recommended with a cycle time of 7.5 minutes. A session of 120 minutes (2 hours)is recommended with a cycle time of 10 minutes. This mode contains set of frequencies most commonly called for in the frequency lists to kill various virus forms at 7.5 minutes each. The cycle time may be user selected for 1, 3.5, 7, or 10 minutes for all frequencies. It is recommended to use this unit at 7.5 minutes per frequency and go through all frequencies in one mode daily. Use the same mode for at least 1 week to 10 days. |
7.5 min * 7.5 min * 7.5 min * 7.5 min * 7.5 min * 7.5 min * 7.5 min * 7.5 min * 7.5 min * 7.5 min * 7.5 min * 7.5 min * * The duration is selectable for 1 min, 3-1/2 min, 7.5 minutes, or 10 minutes for all frequencies |
Mode 6 |
Anti Fungal Mode 6 A starts here. Freq 1 464 +/- 0.05 Hz Freq 2 886 +/- 0.5 Hz Freq 3 866 +/- 0.5 Hz Freq 4 414 +/- 0.25 Hz Freq 5 254 +/- 0.1 Hz Freq 6 344 +/- 0.1 Hz Freq 7 2411 +/- 2.0 Hz Anti Fungal Mode 6 B starts here. Freq 8 321 +/- 0.25 Hz Freq 9 555 +/- 0.5 Hz Freq 10 942 +/- 0.5 Hz Freq 11 337 +/- 0.25 Hz Freq 12 1823 +/- 2 Hz Freq 13 666 +/- 0.25 Hz Mode 6 A and Mode 6 B produce all of the same frequencies except for the order in which they are generated. Mode 6 A cycles to Mode 6 B and Mode 6 B cycles to Mode 6 A. Either Mode will cycle through all 17 frequencies. The unit will provide a quick beep when cycling to the next mode. After cycle completion, the unit will stop and beep several beeps, then the unit will wait 5 seconds and repeat the same sequence of frequencies. Mode 6 A will blink the Mode/Battery LED 1 Flash every 2 seconds Mode 6 B will blink the Mode/Battery LED 2 Flashes every 2 seconds This mode will Show
Note that due to the accuracy of the microprocessor generated signal, most units are within 1 Hz of the specified frequency. Timing: The total minimum cycle time is 98 minutes at a cycle time of 7.5 minutes. A session of 98 minutes is recommended with a cycle time of 7.5 minutes. A session of 130 minutes is recommended with a cycle time of 10 minutes. This mode contains the set of frequencies most commonly called for in the frequency lists to kill various mold and fungal forms. It is recommended to use this unit at 7.5 minutes per frequency and go through all frequencies in one mode daily. Use the same mode for at least 1 week to 10 days. |
7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min |
Mode 7 |
Mode 7 A starts here. Freq 1 666 +/- 0.25 Hz Freq 2 776 +/- 0.5 Hz Freq 3 20 +/- 0.1 Hz Freq 4 802 +/- 0.25 Hz Freq 5 1550 +/- 1.0 Hz Freq 6 884 +/- 0.5 Hz Mode 7 B starts here. Freq 7 727 +/- 0.25 Hz Freq 8 880 +/- 0.5 Hz Freq 9 787 +/- 0.5 Hz Freq 10 522 +/- 0.25 Hz Freq 11 625 +/- 0.25 Hz Freq 12 732 +/- 0.25 Hz Mode 7 A and Mode 7 B produce all of the same frequencies except for the order in which they are generated. Mode 7 A cycles to Mode 7 B and Mode 7 B cycles to Mode 7 A. Either Mode will cycle through all 10 frequencies. The unit will provide a quick beep when cycling to the next mode. After cycle completion, the unit will stop and beep several beeps, then the unit will wait 5 seconds and repeat the same sequence of frequencies. Mode 7 A will blink the Mode/Battery LED 1 Flash every 2 seconds Mode 7 B will blink the Mode/Battery LED 2 Flashes every 2 seconds This mode will Show
Note that due to the accuracy of the microprocessor generated signal, most units are within 1 Hz of the specified frequency. Timing: The total minimum cycle time is 90 minutes at a cycle time of 7.5 minutes. A session of 90 minutes (1-1/2 hours)is recommended with a cycle time of 7.5 minutes. A session of 120 minutes (2 hours)is recommended with a cycle time of 10 minutes. This mode contains 12 additional frequently used frequencies at 7.5 minutes each. The cycle time may be user selected for 1, 3.5, 7, or 10 minutes for all frequencies. It is recommended to use this unit at 7.5 minutes per frequency and go through all frequencies in one mode daily. Use the same mode for at least 1 week to 10 days. |
7.5 min * 7.5 min * 7.5 min * 7.5 min * 7.5 min * 7.5 min * 7.5 min * 7.5 min * 7.5 min * 7.5 min * 7.5 min * 7.5 min * * The duration is selectable for 1 min, 3-1/2 min, 7.5 minutes, or 10 minutes for all frequencies |
Mode 8 |
Clark Mode 8 A starts here. Freq 1 1000 +/- 0.25 Hz Freq 2 2350 +/- 0.5 Hz Freq 3 1250 +/- 0.25 Hz Freq 4 2300 +/- 1.0 Hz Freq 5 1500 +/- 1.0 Hz Freq 6 2100 +/- 2.0 Hz Freq 7 1600 +/- 1.0 Hz Clark Mode 8 B starts here. Freq 8 2175 +/- 1.0 Hz Freq 9 2050 +/- 1.0 Hz Freq 10 2150 +/- 1.0 Hz Freq 11 2075 +/- 1.0 Hz Freq 12 2458 +/- 1.0 Hz Freq 13 2006 +/- 1.0 Hz Freq 14 2059 +/- 1.0 Hz Mode 8 A and Mode 8 B produce all of the same frequencies except for the order in which they are generated. Mode 8 A cycles to Mode 8 B and Mode 8 B cycles to Mode 8 A. Either Mode will cycle through all 10 frequencies. The unit will provide a quick beep when cycling to the next mode. After cycle completion, the unit will stop and beep several beeps, then the unit will wait 5 seconds and repeat the same sequence of frequencies. Mode 8 A will blink the Mode/Battery LED 1 Flash every 2 seconds Mode 8 B will blink the Mode/Battery LED 2 Flashes every 2 seconds This mode will Show
Note that due to the accuracy of the microprocessor generated signal, most units are within 1 Hz of the specified frequency. Timing: The total cycle time to produce all 14 frequencies is 105 minutes. A session of 105 minutes is recommended with a cycle time of 7.5 minutes. A session of 140 minutes is recommended with a cycle time of 10 minutes. This mode will through the production of harmonics, reach 97 percent of the frequencies provided in Dr. Hulda Clark's frequency list within a narrow margin. It is recommended to use this unit at 7.5 minutes per frequency and go through all frequencies in one mode daily. Use the same mode for at least 1 week to 10 days. |
7.5 min * 7.5 min * 7.5 min * 7.5 min * 7.5 min * 7.5 min * 7.5 min * 7.5 min * 7.5 min * 7.5 min * 7.5 min * 7.5 min * 7.5 min * 7.5 min * * The duration is selectable for 1 min, 3-1/2 min, 7.5 minutes, or 10 minutes for all frequencies |
Mode 9 |
MX Mode 9 starts here. Freq 1 2422 +/- 1.0 Hz Freq 2 2327 +/- 2.0 Hz Freq 3 2246 +/- 2.0 Hz Freq 4 2177 +/- 1.0 Hz Freq 5 2379 +/- 1.0 Hz Freq 6 2290 +/- 2.0 Hz Freq 7 2214 +/- 2.0 Hz Freq 8 2148 +/- 2.0 Hz Mode 9 B HEP-B frequencies starts here. Freq 9 779 +/- 0.2 Hz Freq 10 752 +/- 0.2 Hz Freq 11 574 +/- 0.2 Hz Freq 12 477 +/- 0.2 Hz Freq 13 876 +/- 0.2 Hz Freq 14 869 +/- 0.2 Hz Freq 15 767 +/- 0.2 Hz Freq 16 433 +/- 0.2 Hz Freq 17 223 +/- 0.2 Hz Mode 9A produces all of the same basic frequencies as the old ParaZapper MX. The unit will provide a quick beep after frequency 4 and after frequency 8. After cycle completion, the unit will stop and beep several beeps, then the unit will wait 5 seconds and repeat the same sequence of frequencies. Mode 9A will blink the Mode/Battery LED 1 long Flash every 2 seconds In this Mode, part B does not roll over to part A but loops back to the start of Mode 9b. Mode 9 A and Mode 9 B are independent of each other. Mode 9 A does not cycle to Mode 9 B and Mode 9 B does not cycle to Mode 9 A. This mode will Show
Note that due to the accuracy of the microprocessor generated signal, most units are within 1 Hz of the specified frequency. Timing: The total cycle time to produce all 8 frequencies is 60 minutes. A session of 60 minutes (1 hour)is recommended with a cycle time of 7.5 minutes with Mode 9A. A session of 80 minutes (1 hour 20 minutes)is recommended with a cycle time of 10 minutes mode 9A. This mode duplicates the frequencies provided in ParaZapper MX. It is recommended to use this unit at 7.5 minutes per frequency and go through all frequencies in one mode daily. Use the same mode for at least 1 week to 10 days. A session of 67.5 minutes (1 hour 7.5 minutes) is recommended with a cycle time of 7.5 minutes with Mode 9A. |
7.5 min * 7.5 min * 7.5 min * 7.5 min * 7.5 min * 7.5 min * 7.5 min * 7.5 min * 7.5 min * 7.5 min * 7.5 min * 7.5 min * 7.5 min * 7.5 min * 7.5 min * 7.5 min * 7.5 min * The duration is selectable for 1 min, 3-1/2 min, 7.5 minutes, or 10 minutes for all frequencies |
Mode 10 |
Special Mode 10 A ( P. klebsiella ) starts here. Freq 1 412 +/- 0.10 Hz Freq 2 413 +/- 0.10 Hz Freq 3 746 +/- 0.25 Hz Freq 4 765 +/- 0.25 Hz Freq 5 840 +/- 0.25 Hz Freq 6 783 +/- 0.25 Hz Freq 7 818 +/- 0.25 Hz Freq 8 779 +/- 0.25 Hz In this Mode, part A does not roll over to part B but loops back to the start of Mode 10a. Special Mode 10 B ( Helminths ) starts here. Freq 9 125 +/- 0.05 Hz Freq 10 440 +/- 0.1 Hz Freq 11 444 +/- 0.1 Hz Freq 12 344 +/- 0.1 Hz Freq 13 112 +/- 0.05 Hz Freq 14 152 +/- 0.05 Hz Freq 15 524 +/- 0.20 Hz Freq 16 712 +/- 0.25 Hz Freq 17 651 +/- 0.25 Hz Freq 18 128 +/- 0.05 Hz Freq 19 422 +/- 0.10 Hz In this Mode, part B does not roll over to part A but loops back to the start of Mode 10b. Mode 10 A and Mode 10 B are independent of each other. Mode 10 A does not cycle to Mode 10 B and Mode 10 B does not cycle to Mode 10 A. Each mode will provide 4 quick beeps when cycling back to the start. then the unit will wait 5 seconds and repeat the same sequence of frequencies. Mode 10 A will blink the Mode/Battery LED 1 Flash every 2 seconds Mode 10 B will blink the Mode/Battery LED 2 Flashes every 2 seconds This mode will Show
Note that due to the accuracy of the microprocessor generated signal, most units are within 0.05 percent of the specified frequency. Timing: A session of 60 minutes is recommended with a cycle time of 7.5 minutes in Mode 10a. A session of 82.5 minutes is recommended with a cycle time of 7.5 minutes in Mode 10b. This mode contains the set of frequencies most commonly called for in the frequency lists to kill various mold and fungal forms. It is recommended to use this unit at 7.5 minutes per frequency and go through all frequencies in one mode daily. Use the same mode for at least 1 week to 10 days. |
7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min |
Mode 11 |
Special Mode 11 A ( Borrelia / Rickettsia ) starts here. Freq 1 2720 +/- 0.80 Hz Freq 2 1583 +1.0/-0 Hz Freq 3 500 +/- 0.25 Hz Freq 4 2016 +/- 0.5 Hz Freq 5 1600 +/- 0.25 Hz Freq 6 1800 +0/-1.5 Hz Freq 7 254 +/- 0.25 Hz Freq 8 338 +/- 0.25 Hz Freq 9 239 +/- 0.05 Hz Freq 10 884 +/- 0.5 Hz Freq 11 693 +/- 0.1 Hz In this Mode, part A does not roll over to part B but loops back to the start of Mode 10a. Rife Special Mode 11 B ( Immuno Virus / TLV ) starts here. Freq 12 683 +/- 0.1 Hz Freq 13 3554 +0/-1.5 Hz Freq 14 714 +/- 0.05 Hz Freq 15 830 +/- 0.20 Hz Freq 16 450 +/- 0.25 Hz Freq 17 418 +/- 0.25 Hz Freq 18 249 +/- 0.05 Hz Freq 19 633 +/- 0.10 Hz Freq 20 837 +/- 0.10 Hz Freq 21 776 +/- 0.10 Hz Freq 22 392 +/- 0.10 Hz Freq 23 111 +/- 0.10 Hz Freq 24 1220 +/- 0.10 Hz In this Mode, part B does not roll over to part A but loops back to the start of Rife Mode 11b. Mode 11 A and Mode 11 B are independent of each other. Mode 11 A does not cycle to Mode 11 B and Mode 11 B does not cycle to Mode 11 A. Each mode will provide 4 quick beeps when cycling back to the start. then the unit will wait 5 seconds and repeat the same sequence of frequencies. Mode 11 A will blink the Mode/Battery LED 1 Flash every 2 seconds Mode 11 B will blink the Mode/Battery LED 2 Flashes every 2 seconds This mode will Show
Note that due to the accuracy of the microprocessor generated signal, most units are within 0.05 percent of the specified frequency. Timing: A session of 82.5 minutes is recommended with a cycle time of 7.5 minutes in Mode 11a. A session of 97.5 minutes is recommended with a cycle time of 7.5 minutes in Mode 11b. This mode contains the set of frequencies most commonly called for in the frequency lists to kill various viral forms. It is recommended to use this unit at 7.5 minutes per frequency and go through all frequencies in one mode at least once daily. Use the same mode for at least 1 week to 10 days. |
7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min |
Mode 12 |
Special Mode 12 A ( Hepatitis C ) starts here. Freq 1 880 +/-0.1 Hz Freq 2 2189 +/-1.0 Hz Freq 3 166 +/- 0.1 Hz Freq 4 224 +/- 0.1 Hz Freq 5 317 +/- 0.1 Hz Freq 6 728 +0/-0.1 Hz Freq 7 787 +/- 0.1 Hz Freq 8 1500 +/- 0.5 Hz Freq 9 95 +/- 0.05 Hz In this Mode, part A does not roll over to part B but loops back to the start of Mode 12a. Special Mode 12 B ( Hepatitis C 2 & 3 ) starts here. Freq 10 5000 +/- 0.6 Hz Freq 11 3220 +/- 0.3 Hz Freq 12 3176 +/- 0.3 Hz Freq 13 1865 +/- 0.2 Hz Freq 14 1600 +/- 0.2 Hz Freq 15 1371 +0/ 0.3 Hz Freq 16 933 +/- 0.2 Hz Freq 17 939 +/- 0.2 Hz Freq 18 665 +/- 0.1 Hz Freq 19 633 +/- 0.1 Hz Freq 20 625 +/- 0.1 Hz Freq 21 528 +/- 0.1 Hz Freq 22 333 +/- 0.1 Hz Freq 23 250 +/- 0.1 Hz Freq 24 146 +/- 0.1 Hz Freq 25 125 +/- 0.1 Hz Freq 26 72 +/- 0.05 Hz Freq 27 28 +/- 0.05 Hz Freq 28 20 +/- 0.002 Hz In this Mode, part B does not roll over to part A but loops back to the start of Mode 12b. Mode 12 A and Mode 12 B are independent of each other. Mode 12 A does not cycle to Mode 12 B and Mode 12 B does not cycle to Mode 12 A. Each mode will provide 4 quick beeps when cycling back to the start. then the unit will wait 5 seconds and repeat the same sequence of frequencies. Mode 12 A will blink the Mode/Battery LED 1 Flash every 2 seconds Mode 12 B will blink the Mode/Battery LED 2 Flashes every 2 seconds This mode will Show
Note that due to the accuracy of the microprocessor generated signal, most units are within 0.05 percent of the specified frequency. Timing: A session of 67.5 minutes is recommended with a cycle time of 7.5 minutes in Mode 12a. A session of 142.5 minutes is recommended with a cycle time of 7.5 minutes in Mode 12b. This mode contains the set of frequencies most commonly called for in the frequency lists to kill various viral forms. It is recommended to use this unit at 7.5 minutes per frequency and go through all frequencies in one mode at least once daily. Use the same mode for at least 1 week to 10 days. |
7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min |
Mode 13 |
Special Mode 13 A ( Varicella Zoster ) starts here. Freq 1 3343 +0/-1 Hz Freq 2 814 +/-0.1 Hz Freq 3 2170 +/-1.0 Hz Freq 4 1600 +/-0.25Hz Freq 5 1500 +/-0.5 Hz Freq 6 880 +/-0.1 Hz Freq 7 802 +/-0.1 Hz Freq 8 787 +/-0.1 Hz Freq 9 664 +/-0.1 Hz Freq 10 1550 +/-0.2 Hz Freq 11 1865 +/-0.2 Hz Freq 12 728 +/-0.1 Hz Freq 13 2720 +/- 0.80 Hz Freq 14 2128 +/- 0.25 Hz Freq 15 5000 +/-1.0 Hz Freq 16 464 +/- 0.05 Hz Freq 17 1557 +/-0.4 Hz Freq 18 304 +/-0.1 Hz Freq 19 574 +/-0.1 Hz Freq 20 20 +/- 0.002 Hz Freq 21 800 +/-0.1 Hz In this Mode, part A does not roll over to part B but loops back to the start of Mode 13a. Special Mode 13 B ( HPV-5/6 ) starts here. Freq 22 126 +/- 0.1 Hz Freq 23 2145 +/- 0.4 Hz Freq 24 597 +/- 0.1 Hz Freq 25 1034 +/- 0.2 Hz Freq 26 228 +/- 0.1 Hz Freq 27 1820 +/- 0.4 Hz Freq 28 3640 +/- 1.0 Hz In this Mode, part B does not roll over to part A but loops back to the start of Mode 131b. Mode 13 A and Mode 11 B are independent of each other. Mode 13 A does not cycle to Mode 13 B and Mode 13 B does not cycle to Mode 13 A. Each mode will provide 4 quick beeps when cycling back to the start. then the unit will wait 5 seconds and repeat the same sequence of frequencies. Mode 13 A will blink the Mode/Battery LED 1 Flash every 2 seconds Mode 13 B will blink the Mode/Battery LED 2 Flashes every 2 seconds This mode will Show
Note that due to the accuracy of the microprocessor generated signal, most units are within 0.05 percent of the specified frequency. Timing: A session of 157.5 minutes is recommended with a cycle time of 7.5 minutes in Mode 13a. A session of 52.5 minutes is recommended with a cycle time of 7.5 minutes in Mode 13b. This mode contains the set of frequencies most commonly called for in the frequency lists to kill various viral forms. It is recommended to use this unit at 7.5 minutes per frequency and go through all frequencies in one mode at least once daily. Use the same mode for at least 1 week to 10 days. |
7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min |
Mode 14 |
Special Mode 14 A ( Epstein Barr virus ) starts here. Freq 1 1013 +/-0.3 Hz Freq 2 744 +/-0.1 Hz Freq 3 1920 +/-0.5 Hz Freq 4 776 +/-0.1 Hz Freq 5 880 +/-0.1 Hz Freq 6 660 +/-0.1 Hz Freq 7 172 +/-0.1 Hz Freq 8 787 +/-0.1 Hz Freq 9 105 +/-0.1 Hz Freq 10 727 +/-0.1 Hz Freq 11 253 +/-0.1 Hz Freq 12 778 +/-0.1 Hz Freq 13 465 +/-0.1 Hz Freq 14 1032 +/-0.2 Hz Freq 15 274 +/-0.1 Hz Freq 16 663 +/-0.1 Hz Freq 17 667 +/-0.1 Hz Freq 18 669 +/-0.1 Hz Freq 19 738 +/-0.1 Hz Freq 20 825 +/-0.1 Hz In this Mode, part A does not roll over to part B but loops back to the start of Mode 14a. Special Mode 14 B ( Cytomegalo virus(CMV) ) starts here. Freq 21 126 +/- 0.1 Hz Freq 22 2144 +/- 0.4 Hz Freq 23 2145 +/- 0.4 Hz Freq 24 2146 +/- 0.4 Hz Freq 25 597 +/- 0.1 Hz Freq 26 1045 +/- 0.2 Hz Freq 27 629 +/- 0.1 Hz Freq 28 682 +/- 0.1 Hz In this Mode, part B does not roll over to part A but loops back to the start of Mode 14b. Mode 14 A and Mode 11 B are independent of each other. Mode 14 A does not cycle to Mode 14 B and Mode 14 B does not cycle to Mode 14 A. Each mode will provide 4 quick beeps when cycling back to the start. then the unit will wait 5 seconds and repeat the same sequence of frequencies. Mode 14 A will blink the Mode/Battery LED 1 Flash every 2 seconds Mode 14 B will blink the Mode/Battery LED 2 Flashes every 2 seconds This mode will Show
Note that due to the accuracy of the microprocessor generated signal, units are within 0.05 percent of the specified frequency at frequencies below 3000 Hz. Timing: A session of 150 minutes is recommended with a cycle time of 7.5 minutes in Mode 14a. A session of 60 minutes is recommended with a cycle time of 7.5 minutes in Mode 14b. This mode contains the set of frequencies most commonly called for in the frequency lists to kill various microbes. It is recommended to use this unit at 7.6 minutes per frequency and go through all frequencies in one mode at least once daily. Use the same mode for at least 1 week to 10 days. |
7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min |
Mode 15 |
Special Mode 15 A ( Bartonella ) starts here. Freq 1 364 +/-0.1 Hz Freq 2 1518 +/-0.6 Hz Freq 3 695 +/-0.1 Hz Freq 4 379 +/-0.1 Hz Freq 5 786 +/-0.1 Hz Freq 6 654 +/-0.1 Hz Freq 7 967 +/-0.2 Hz Freq 8 716 +/-0.1 Hz Freq 9 696 +/-0.1 Hz Freq 10 634 +/-0.1 Hz Freq 11 840 +/-0.1 Hz Freq 12 842 +/-0.2 Hz Freq 13 844 +/-0.1 Hz Freq 14 846 +/-0.1 Hz Freq 15 848 +/-0.1 Hz Freq 16 850 +/-0.1 Hz Freq 17 857 +/-0.1 Hz In this Mode, part A does not roll over to part B but loops back to the start of Mode 15a. Special Mode 15 B ( Babesia ) starts here. Freq 18 76 +/- 0.05 Hz Freq 19 753 +/- 0.10 Hz Freq 20 5776 +/- 3.0 Hz Freq 21 1584 +/- 0.30 Hz Freq 22 570 +/- 0.10 Hz Freq 23 1583 +/- 0.30 Hz Freq 24 432 +/- 0.10 Hz In this Mode, part B does not roll over to part A but loops back to the start of Mode 15b. Mode 15 A and Mode 15 B are independent of each other. Mode 15 A does not cycle to Mode 15 B and Mode 15 B does not cycle to Mode 15 A. Each mode will provide 4 quick beeps when cycling back to the start. then the unit will wait 5 seconds and repeat the same sequence of frequencies. Mode 15 A will blink the Mode/Battery LED 1 Flash every 2 seconds Mode 15 B will blink the Mode/Battery LED 2 Flashes every 2 seconds This mode will Show
Note that due to the accuracy of the microprocessor generated signal, most units are within 0.05 percent of the specified frequency. Timing: A session of 128 minutes is recommended with a cycle time of 7.5 minutes in Mode 15a. A session of 53 minutes is recommended with a cycle time of 7.5 minutes in Mode 15b. This mode contains the set of frequencies most commonly called for in the frequency lists to kill various viral forms. It is recommended to use this unit at 7.5 minutes per frequency and go through all frequencies in one mode at least once daily. Use the same mode for at least 1 week to 10 days. |
7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min |
Mode 16 |
Special Mode 16 A ( Blastocystis ) starts here. Freq 1 365 +/-0.1 Hz Freq 2 595 +/-0.1 Hz Freq 3 844 +/-0.5 Hz Freq 4 848 +/-0.1 Hz Freq 5 1201 +/-0.1 Hz Freq 6 1243 +/-0.1 Hz Freq 7 5777 +/-2.0 Hz In this Mode, part A does not roll over to part B but loops back to the start of Mode 16A. Special Mode 16 B ( ALS and MS Related ) starts here. Freq 8 938 +/-0.1 Hz Freq 9 344 +/-0.1 Hz Freq 10 2145 +/-0.5 Hz Freq 11 862 +/-0.1 Hz Freq 12 112 +/-0.1 Hz Freq 13 253 +/-0.1 Hz Freq 14 324 +/-0.1 Hz Freq 15 739 +/-0.1 Hz Freq 16 682 +/-0.1 Hz Freq 17 338 +/-0.1 Hz Freq 18 660 +/-0.1 Hz Freq 19 342 +/-0.1 Hz Freq 20 572 +/-0.1 Hz Freq 21 433 +/-0.1 Hz Freq 22 477 +/-0.1 Hz In this Mode, part B does not roll over to part C but loops back to the start of Mode 16B. Special Mode 16 C ( Helicobacter ) starts here. Freq 23 676 +/- 0.10 Hz Freq 24 676 +/- 0.10 Hz Freq 25 2950 +/- 0.10 Hz Freq 26 880 +/- 0.10 Hz Freq 27 705 +/- 0.10 Hz Freq 28 676 +/- 0.10 Hz Freq 29 728 +/- 0.10 Hz Freq 30 352 +/- 0.10 Hz Freq 31 695 +/- 0.10 Hz Freq 32 2819 +/- 0.10 Hz Freq 33 347 +/- 0.10 Hz Freq 34 2779 +/- 0.10 Hz Freq 35 2167 +/- 0.10 Hz In this Mode, part C does not roll over to part A or B but loops back to the start of Mode 16C. Modes 16 A, 16 B, and Mode 16 C are independent of each other. Mode 16 A does not cycle to Mode 16 B and Mode 16 B does not cycle to Mode 16 C. Each mode will provide 4 quick beeps when cycling back to the start. then the unit will wait 5 seconds and repeat the same sequence of frequencies. Mode 16 A will blink the Mode/Battery LED 1 Flash every 2 seconds Mode 16 B will blink the Mode/Battery LED 2 Flashes every 2 seconds Mode 16 C will blink the Mode/Battery LED 3 Flashes every 2 seconds This mode will Show
Note that due to the accuracy of the microprocessor generated signal, most units are within 0.05 percent of the specified frequency. Timing: A session of 52.5 minutes is recommended with a cycle time of 7.5 minutes in Mode 16a. A session of 112 minutes is recommended with a cycle time of 7.5 minutes in Mode 16b. A session of 97.5 minutes is recommended with a cycle time of 7.5 minutes in Mode 16c. This mode contains the set of frequencies most commonly called for in the frequency lists to kill various viral forms. It is recommended to use this unit at 7.5 minutes per frequency and go through all frequencies in one mode at least once daily. Use the same mode for at least 1 week to 10 days. |
7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min |
Mode 17 |
Special Mode 17 A ( Mycoplasma ) starts here. Freq 1 254 +/-0.1 Hz Freq 2 864 +/-0.1 Hz Freq 3 790 +/-0.1 Hz Freq 4 644 +/-0.1 Hz Freq 5 986 +/-0.2 Hz Freq 6 2900 +/-1.5 Hz Freq 7 484 +/-0.1 Hz Freq 8 610 +/-0.1 Hz Freq 9 644 +/-0.1 Hz Freq 10 690 +/-0.1 Hz Freq 11 880.2 +/-0.1 Hz Freq 12 878.2 +/-0.1 Hz Freq 13 706.7 +/-0.1 Hz Freq 14 679.2 +/-0.1 Hz Freq 15 800.4 +/-0.1 Hz Freq 16 865 +/-0.1 Hz Freq 17 1045 +/-0.25 Hz Freq 18 1062 +/-0.2 Hz Freq 19 1067 +/-0.2 Hz Freq 20 1147 +/-0.2 Hz Freq 21 2842 +/-1.0 Hz Freq 22 1113 +/-0.1 Hz Freq 23 2950 +/-0.2 Hz In this Mode, part A does not roll over to part B but loops back to the start of Mode 17a. Special Mode 17 B ( Herpes C ) starts here. Freq 24 395 +/- 0.10 Hz Freq 25 424 +/- 0.10 Hz Freq 26 460 +/- 0.10 Hz Freq 27 533 +/- 0.10 Hz Freq 28 554 +/- 0.10 Hz Freq 29 2450 +/- 0.20 Hz Freq 30 745 +/- 0.10 Hz Freq 31 701 +/- 0.10 Hz In this Mode, part B does not roll over to part A but loops back to the start of Mode 17b. Mode 17 A and Mode 11 B are independent of each other. Mode 17 A does not cycle to Mode 17 B and Mode 17 B does not cycle to Mode 17 A. Each mode will provide 4 quick beeps when cycling back to the start. then the unit will wait 5 seconds and repeat the same sequence of frequencies. Mode 17 A will blink the Mode/Battery LED 1 Flash every 2 seconds Mode 17 B will blink the Mode/Battery LED 2 Flashes every 2 seconds This mode will Show
Note that due to the accuracy of the microprocessor generated signal, most units are within 0.05 percent of the specified frequency. Timing: A session of 175 minutes is recommended with a cycle time of 7.5 minutes in Mode 17a. A session of 60 minutes is recommended with a cycle time of 7.5 minutes in Mode 17b. This mode contains the set of frequencies most commonly called for in the frequency lists to kill various viral forms. It is recommended to use this unit at 7.5 minutes per frequency and go through all frequencies in one mode at least once daily. Use the same mode for at least 1 week to 10 days. |
7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min |
Mode 18 |
Special Mode 18 A ( Candida ) starts here. Freq 1 464 +/- 0.05 Hz Freq 2 886 +/-0.1 Hz Freq 3 866 +/-0.1 Hz Freq 4 414 +/-0.1 Hz Freq 5 254 +/-0.1 Hz Freq 6 412 +/-0.1 Hz Freq 7 116 +/-0.1 Hz Freq 8 943 +/-0.1 Hz Freq 9 232 +/-0.1 Hz Freq 10 348 +/-0.1 Hz Freq 11 1151 +/-0.2 Hz Freq 12 381 +/-0.1 Hz Freq 13 877 +/-0.1 Hz Freq 14 580 +/-0.1 Hz Freq 15 762 +/-0.1 Hz Freq 16 661 +/-0.1 Hz Freq 17 742 +/-0.1 Hz In this Mode, part A does not roll over to part B but loops back to the start of Mode 18a. Special Mode 18 B ( Suspected Cancer Virus ) starts here. Freq 18 20 +/- 0.002 Hz Freq 19 2720 +/- 0.80 Hz Freq 20 2127 +/- 0.20 Hz Freq 21 2128 +/- 0.25 Hz Freq 22 333 +/- 0.01 Hz Freq 23 120 +/- 0.025 Hz Freq 24 464 +/- 0.05 Hz Freq 25 2112 +/- 0.20 Hz Freq 26 3176 +/- 0.90 Hz Freq 27 2289 +/- 0.70 Hz Freq 28 478 +/- 0.06 Hz Freq 29 2116 +/- 0.25 Hz Freq 30 524 +/- 0.04 Hz Freq 31 2120 +/- 0.35 Hz Freq 32 683 +/- 0.10 Hz Freq 33 2950 +/- 0.15 Hz Freq 34 1489 +/- 0.15 Hz Freq 35 2152 +/- 0.25 Hz Freq 36 2876 +/- 0.70 Hz Freq 37 1566.4 +/- 0.50 Hz Freq 38 3040 +/- 0.50 Hz Freq 39 1604 +/- 0.40 Hz Freq 40 2008 +/- 0.40 Hz Freq 41 2182 +/- 0.40 Hz Freq 42 2184 +/- 0.40 Hz Freq 43 2489 +/- 0.20 Hz Freq 44 2790 +/- 0.30 Hz Freq 45 2521 +/- 0.75 Hz Freq 46 1675 +/- 0.60 Hz Freq 47 2452 +/- 0.80 Hz Freq 48 2333 +/- 0.70 Hz Freq 49 2048 +/- 0.40 Hz In this Mode, part B does not roll over to part A but loops back to the start of Mode 18b. Mode 18 A and Mode 18 B are independent of each other. Mode 18 A does not cycle to Mode 18 B and Mode 18 B does not cycle to Mode 18 A. Each mode will provide 4 quick beeps when cycling back to the start. then the unit will wait 5 seconds and repeat the same sequence of frequencies. Mode 18 A will blink the Mode/Battery LED 1 Flash every 2 seconds Mode 18 B will blink the Mode/Battery LED 2 Flashes every 2 seconds This mode will Show
Note that due to the accuracy of the microprocessor generated signal, most units are within 0.05 percent of the specified frequency. Timing: A session of 127.5 minutes is recommended with a cycle time of 7.5 minutes in Mode 18a. A session of 240 minutes is recommended with a cycle time of 7.5 minutes in Mode 18b. This mode contains the set of frequencies most commonly called for in the frequency lists to kill various viral forms. It is recommended to use this unit at 7.5 minutes per frequency and go through all frequencies in one mode at least once daily. Use the same mode for at least 1 week to 10 days. |
7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min 7.5 min |
Mode 19 |
Mode 19 starts here. Freq 1 10.00 kHz +/- 1.1 Hz Mode 19 produces 10.00 kHz The unit will provide a quick beep when the Mode times out. After cycle completion, repeat the same frequency again. Mode 19 will blink the Mode/Battery LED 1 long Flash followed by 1 quick flash every 2 seconds This mode will Show
7.5 min * * The duration is selectable for 1 min, 3-1/2 min, 7.5 minutes, or 10 minutes for all frequencies |
Mode 20 |
Mode 20 starts here. Freq 1 6.00 kHz +/- 1.0 Hz Mode 20 produces 6.00 kHz The unit will provide a quick beep when the Mode times out. After cycle completion, repeat the same frequency again. Mode 20 will blink the Mode/Battery LED 1 long Flash followed by 1 quick flash every 2 seconds This mode will Show
7.5 min * * The duration is selectable for 1 min, 3-1/2 min, 7.5 minutes, or 10 minutes for all frequencies |
Mode 21 |
Mode 21 starts here. Freq 1 5.00 kHz +/- 0.7 Hz Mode 21 produces 5.00 kHz The unit will provide a quick beep when the Mode times out. After cycle completion, repeat the same frequency again. Mode 21 will blink the Mode/Battery LED 1 long Flash followed by 1 quick flash every 2 seconds This mode will Show
7.5 min * * The duration is selectable for 1 min, 3-1/2 min, 7.5 minutes, or 10 minutes for all frequencies |
Mode 22 |
Mode 22 starts here. Freq 1 15.66 Hz +/- 0.01 Hz Mode 22 produces 15.66 Hz which is twice the Schaumann earth resonance of 7.83 Hz The unit will provide a quick beep when the Mode times out. After cycle completion, repeat the same frequency again. Mode 22 will blink the Mode/Battery LED 1 long Flash followed by 3 quick flashes every 2 seconds This mode will Show
7.5 min * * The duration is selectable for 1 min, 3-1/2 min, 7.5 minutes, or 10 minutes for all frequencies |
Mode 23 |
Mode 23 starts here. Freq 1 4.000 Hz +/- 0.002 Hz Mode 23 produces 4.000 Hz The unit will provide a quick beep when the Mode times out. then the unit will repeat the same frequency. Mode 23 will blink the Mode/Battery LED 1 long Flash followed by 2 quick flashes every 2 seconds This mode will Show
7.5 min * * The duration is selectable for 1 min, 3-1/2 min, 7.5 minutes, or 10 minutes for all frequencies |
Mode 24 |
Mode 24 starts here. Freq 1 3.915 Hz +/- 0.001 Hz Mode 24 produces 3.915 Hz which is one half of the Schaumann earth resonance of 7.83 Hz The unit will provide a quick beep when the Mode times out. After cycle completion, repeat the same frequency again. Mode 24 will blink the Mode/Battery LED 1 long Flash followed by 1 quick flashes every 2 seconds This mode will Show
7.5 min * * The duration is selectable for 1 min, 3-1/2 min, 7.5 minutes, or 10 minutes for all frequencies |
Mode 25 |
Mode 25 starts here. Freq 1 1.00 Hz +/- 0.0001 Hz Mode 25 produces 1.000 Hz The unit will provide a quick beep when the Mode times out. After cycle completion, repeat the same frequency again. Mode 25 will blink the Mode/Battery LED 1 long Flash followed by 4 quick flashes every 2 seconds This mode will Show
7.5 min * * The duration is selectable for 1 min, 3-1/2 min, 7.5 minutes, or 10 minutes for all frequencies |
Note: The frequencies in this unit are far more accurate than the frequencies in most Rife units that are priced under $1500.00 US. Note: While the frequencies listed for this unit are expected to be for certain parasites, there has not been any scientific tests run to validate that these frequencies actually have any effect on those specific parasites or any other parasites for that matter. This unit is only presented as a tool for experimentation. |
For example: | ||
Mode 1A 72 Hz | Mode 1B 786 Hz | |
Mode 2A 500 Hz | Mode 2B 1865 Hz | |
Mode 3A 20 Hz | Mode 3B 787 Hz | |
Mode 4A 72 Hz | Mode 4B 374 Hz | |
Mode 5A 2489 Hz | Mode 5B 444 Hz | |
Mode 6A 464 Hz | Mode 6B 321 Hz | |
Mode 7A 666 Hz | Mode 7B 727 Hz | |
Mode 8A 1000 Hz | Mode 8B 2175 Hz | |
Mode 9A 2422 Hz | Mode 9B 779 Hz | |
Mode 10A 412 Hz | Mode 10B 125 Hz | |
Mode 11A 2720 Hz | Mode 11B 683 Hz | |
Mode 12A 880 Hz | Mode 12B 5000 Hz | |
Mode 13A 3343 Hz | Mode 13B 126 Hz | |
Mode 14A 1013 Hz | Mode 14B 126 Hz | |
Mode 15A 364 Hz | Mode 15B 76 Hz | |
Mode 16A 938 Hz | Mode 16B 676 Hz | |
Mode 17A 254 Hz | Mode 17B 395 Hz | |
Mode 18A 464 Hz | Mode 18B 20 Hz | |
Mode 19 10 kHz | ||
Mode 20 6 kHz | ||
Mode 21 5 kHz | ||
Mode 22 15.66 Hz | ||
Mode 23 4.0 Hz | ||
Mode 24 3.915 Hz | ||
Mode 25 1.00 Hz | ||
It is also possible to do 15 minutes on, 22.5 minutes on, 30 minutes on, etc. and repeat 3 times or even 4 times if a full session is not practical. |
The MY-3b unit does have automatic timing and recycling for each frequency but it does not feature an automatic shutdown. Power to the unit is supplied by a Alkaline or special Rechargeable 9-volt battery and is controlled by a push-on / push-off switch. The output voltage is near to the actual battery voltage and the battery can go down to 7.8 volts before requiring replacement or recharging.
The MY-3+9 ( no longer available ) unit does have automatic timing and recycling for each frequency but it does not feature an automatic shutdown. Power to the unit is supplied by a Alkaline or Rechargeable 9-volt NiMH battery and is controlled by a push-on / push-off switch. The output voltage is near to 9.6 volts and the battery can go down to 5.5 volts before requiring replacement or recharging.
The MY-3+10 unit ( no longer available ) does have automatic timing and recycling for each frequency but it does not feature an automatic shutdown. Power to the unit is supplied by a Alkaline or Rechargeable 9-volt NiMH battery and is controlled by a push-on / push-off switch. The output voltage is near to 10.5 volts and the battery can go down to 5.5 volts before requiring replacement or recharging.
The MY3 operates on 9 volt batteries. No line connection or wall connection.
Frequency selection is by momentary contact push button switch. To change modes, simply press the mode switch. The battery and mode LED's will both come on at the same time. Release the switch and the next mode will start.
Description of Indicators ( Status, Mode/Battery ) and switches (ON/OFF) and Mode (mode change)
Power ON switch: (ON/OFF Button)
When the ON/OFF switch is pressed, the unit will come on and will first flash the timing selection for 1 second. It then turns on the center LED while it is waiting for the crystal oscillator to start. If the crystal oscillator does not start, the unit will reboot and try again. If the unit cycles repeatedly like this, there is a problem that requires factory assistance. Once the crystal oscillator starts, the unit always starts out in the Favorite Mode which in a new unit, is Mode 1A. The user may change the Favorite mode to any other mode at any time. Once a new favorite mode has been set, the unit will always start up in that mode.
Status LED: (Status) located nearest the On/Off button
The status LED can be used to monitor normal operation and also to test the unit for correct operation. The Status LED will normally appear yellowish or orange but there are exceptions. If the battery is completely dead or missing, the LED will be off or dark. If for some reason, the output fails, the LED will either be solid green or red.
To test the unit when operating, the unit should be on and operating with the copper paddles connected but not touching each other. In this condition, the LED will appear yellow or amber because it is flickering between red and green. A Red Status may indicate that the paddles are shorted together, however, if the red and green paddles are not shorted, a completely red Status means that you need to contact the factory for service.
Touching the copper paddles together should cause the LED to show almost completely red due to the current load being pulled by the short circuit. This is an indicaton that the zapper output is functioning properly and providing sufficient output for best results.
In certain frequencies ( 30 Hz and lower ), the RED and GREEN LEDs will ppear to flicker because of the low frequency. The LEDs actually flicker in all modes but they flicker faster than the eye can perceive.
Mode change switch: ( MODE button )
When the unit is first turned on, it starts in the Favorite Mode each time. The unit is shipped with the favorite mode set to mode 1A.
Pressing this [Mode] button at any time will change from the current mode to the next mode in sequence and will also restart the timer. Pressing and holding the switch in until a beep is heard will program the mode as Favorite.
Favorite Mode
When changing modes, if the Mode button is pressed for more than 2 seconds, the unit will beep and Favorite Mode will be erased. After the mode button is released, the unit will beep 4 softer beeps and then start in the Favorite mode that was selected and the unit will start in that mode each time the unit is turned on.
Each time that the [Mode] switch is pressed, it will cycle to the next mode which can be observed by watching the Mode LEDs for the pattern produced.
The Mode/Battery LED will flash either one or two flashes every 2 seconds.
Mode 1A through 8A will produce a quick Flash every 2 seconds
2 Flashes every 2 seconds in Mode 1B through 8B.
Mode 9 does not provide a B option.
Mode LED: (Battery / Mode) which is the Lower LED
The mode LED flashes once or twice per every 2 seconds.
Mode indicator array
![]() BLK |
![]() BLK |
![]() RED |
![]() BLK |
![]() BLK |
![]() BLK |
![]() RED |
![]() RED |
![]() BLK |
![]() BLK |
![]() BLK |
![]() BLK |
![]() Red |
![]() BLK |
![]() BLK |
![]() BLK |
![]() Red |
![]() BLK |
![]() BLK |
![]() BLK |
![]() Red |
![]() BLK |
![]() BLK |
![]() BLK |
![]() BLK |
![]() Red |
![]() Red |
![]() Red |
![]() BLK |
![]() BLK |
![]() |
One ParaZapper™ MY-3 with copper paddles and pads and standard output voltage for $509.00 US plus S+H. |
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Two each ParaZapper™ MY-3 with copper paddles and pads and standard output voltage for $979.00 US plus S+H. |
View zappers.
View accessories.
Notice: On advice of counsel, here as well as elsewhere, sites are required to inform you that the statements and claims on this site have not been evaluated by the FDA ( Food and Drug Administration ) and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease -- not for use on humans or with pets. These easy to use battery powered devices are not offered or intended for human use and are not to diagnose or prescribe for medical or psychological conditions nor to claim to prevent, treat, mitigate or cure any conditions, nor to recommend specific products as treatment of disease or to provide diagnosis, care, treatment or rehabilitation of individuals, or apply medical, mental health or human development principles. The devices discussed herein have not undergone evaluation and/or testing by the United States FDA ( Food and Drug Administration ) or like agency of any other country. Risks which might be determined by such testing are unknown. The information on this site is not a substitute for medical or veterinary advice.
Additional Notice: These zappers are sold only for the experimental use of killing microbes in water. Any other usage is considered to be off-label and such usage is at the discretion of the user. They are not a Medical device and are not represented as such.
Hulda Clark ParaZapper sales
5537 Balboa Ct.
Pinson, AL 35126 USA
Please e-mail us at: email1 sales at
or email2 sales at
We are having telephone problems. The calls often go to voice mail too quickly and we are having a problem getting the messages.
Also, the quarantine for coronavirus has left us with no one to answer the telephone Please contact us by e-mail
Phone: 205-856-3909
Phone Hours: 9:30 AM to 3:00 PM Central Time
Please Note that we do not sell by telephone but are happy to talk to you. Email is much better as: If inquiring about an order, please include the order number / Invoice Number that should start with HCPZ ( do not add HCPZ to a number The HCPZ is part of the correct number ), The transaction number is different and not in our system.
EFAX = NO, we do not accept E-faxes due to possible risks.