
Zapper Customer Comments, cancer, morgellons, candida

Percentage of users reporting positive results
( greater than 30% improvement )


Overall Positive Results

Parasites 85.3 percent
Candida 95.2 percent
Colds 96.5 percent
Allergies 65.2 percent
IBS / Colitis 56.6 percent
Flu 93.7 percent
Fungus 67.6 percent
Lyme Disease 90 percent
Allergies 65.2 percent
Herpes 60 percent
Shingles 90 percent

Users with footpads report up to twice the success of those who do not use them

Explanation of Survey Results

Any user who reports an improvement of less than 30 percent is counted as no improvemnet. This is because this is within the range of normal variation. Reported improvements above 30 percent are counted as this is considered significant as well as above the normal variation experienced by most users without using ParaZapper &Reg; products. Additionally, for some of the reported conditions such as Shingles, Lyme, and Herpes the errors may be significant as the number of reports are small. For groups with parasites, candida, colds, and flu symptoms, the numbers appear to be consistant within +/- 2 to 5 percent of the reported total from survey to survey. Any survey results presented on this page are not presented as scientific proof of any cure but only as representation of relief that may possibly be obtained from the "Off-label" use of ParaZapper &Reg; products. FDA accepted tests have not been preformed because we only sell these products as devices intended for research on the remediation of microbes in water ( not intended for drinking ).

Since Dr. Hulda Clark first introduced zapping in her books, use has been expanded and many improvements have been made. ParaZapper&Reg; has been found to be effective in stopping and reducing colds and the flu in addition to helping to alleviate many other health problems. Whether you are fighting any major illness or just want to improve your health, parasites may be hindering your recovery by stealing nutrition and by dumping their toxic wastes into your body.

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Hulda Clark Parasite Zappers
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Hulda Clark Parasite Zappers
Hulda Clark Zapper

Warning: Although Hulda Clark claimed her zappers could not reach internal organs, including the intestines, she did not use the advanced multi-frequency ParaZapper including the 4 point contact and 3 points positive. Since these devices demonstrate greater effectiveness in inactivating microbes like bacteria. protozoa, and fungi, and some individuals have chosen to use these ParaZappers for off-label personal use on their bodies, we have noted reports of doing so may destroy much of the natural, beneficial flora in the intestines. For at least one reason, it is very important to replace your microbiome with supplemental probiotics soon after using. Generally, consuming a good yogurt containing live and active cultures of at least 5 or 6 strains of bacteria will be helpful in any respect. The company does not endorse any off-label use but believes ethical companies should let the public know about potential issues involving off-label uses.

Previous models of Hulda Clark Parasite Zapper, formerly available on paradevices and petzapper sites and since not as advanced as these models, those were considered to be superior to the other competing devices.

The following statement is true for All zappers, regardless of where purchased, not just ParaZapper.

Notice: On advice of counsel, here as well as elsewhere, sites are required to inform you that the statements and claims on this site have not been evaluated by the FDA ( Food and Drug Administration ) and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease -- not for use on humans or with pets. These easy to use battery powered devices are not offered or intended for human use and are not to diagnose or prescribe for medical or psychological conditions nor to claim to prevent, treat, mitigate or cure any conditions, nor to recommend specific products as treatment of disease or to provide diagnosis, care, treatment or rehabilitation of individuals, or apply medical, mental health or human development principles. The devices discussed herein have not undergone evaluation and/or testing by the United States FDA ( Food and Drug Administration ) or like agency of any other country. Risks which might be determined by such testing are unknown. The information on this site is not a substitute for medical or veterinary advice.

Additional Notice: These zappers are sold only for the experimental use of killing microbes in water. Any other usage is considered to be off-label and such usage is at the discretion of the user. They are not a Medical device and are not represented as such.

Hulda Clark ParaZapper sales
5537 Balboa Ct.
Pinson, AL 35126 USA

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Phone Hours: 9:30 AM to 3:00 PM Central Time

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